Walking at a moderate pace later in the day can help you sleep better. In one study, people who walked more than 20 minutes per day reduced their sleep problems by one third. Step it up to a "brisk" pace, and you can cut sleep problems in half. Research has shown that people who walk on daily basis think more clearly are better able to focus and concentrate.

Walking Everday will help you such as

1. Promotes weight loss.
2. Increase your energy level.
3. Support you in feeling good about yourself.
4. Improve your ability to cope with stress.
5. Improve your appearance. A regular walking routine will help you to lengthen and tone your muscles.
6. Increase your overall sense of well-being.
7. Increase your mental acuity.
8. Help you become physically fit. It will improve your stamina and strengthen your muscles.
9. Help you stay active.
10. Help you stay healthy.
11. Increases the efficiency of your heart and lungs.
12. Reduces your cholesterol levels, blood pressure , diabetes and strokes.

Techniques for walking Excerise
  • Walk briskly, maintain enough breath to be able to carry on a conversation.

  • Start out with a 5 minute walk and work up to walking for at least 30 minutes .

  • Maintain good form while walking.
Walking regularly can prevent and improve many serious chronic diseases, for instance:
  • Reduce the risk of heart attack.

  • Reduce cardiovascular disease by as much as 30-50 percent.

  • Protect against diabetes in high-risk people, improve insulin action in diabetics.

  • Decrease osteoarthritis pain, and improve stability.

  • Reduce the risk of cancer.

Walking is a superior life success habit, make it one of yours.